Back to today's topic, IEM-IES Meet, it's actually an annual event organized by Institution of Engineers Malaysia Young Engineers Session(YES) or Institution of Engineers Singapore Young Member Committees (YMC) rotationally every year in Singapore(in every even year) or Malaysia(in every odd year). So This year was held in Singapore, in National University of Singapore to be more specific from 12-14 July, 2008 (Yeah, it just concluded last last week).
As we were required to arrive in SG at around 11am in the morning, so I didn't know whose idea was that to take a train from KL-SG. If you haven't tried this route to SG, I hereby seriously warned you that DON'T EVER TAKE TRAIN TO SG. When the time 9pm I stepped inside the train, I was trapped inside until the train released to the ground at 9am next day, the experience inside the train was torturing!!! although we got a bed there for us to sleep, but the bed is too small for me to even stretch my leg fully and when I sat upright on the bed I even need to bend down abit to suit limited height of the top compartment. That was the worst experience I had in train, I even had more bad experiences to share other than this....but for now is enough...
Ok let's now change to the best part, frankly speaking after so many years traveling to Singapore as a frequent visitor, this is the first time I join an activity in SG. It's really an eye opener for me to see how efficiently Singaporean can organize something into reality in such a short time and fun way. (Of course thanks for Wei Wang and his team from NUS and Li Xuan and her team from NTU)
I think the best part of this meet is actually the Amazing Race, it's the competition organized this year to compete between Malaysia and Singapore team, so we're required to travel to several unique checkpoint in Singapore and then snaped a photo there as an evidence we were there. So as my favourite quote, a picture paint a thousand words, I'll just show you where we went during this 8 hours Amazing Race (actually I'm lazy to write already la....haha)