29th November 2007 (Thursday) Today’s program was not that formal which we were brought to a technical tour at our own choice ranging from visit to shipbuilding facility, San Miguel Brewery tour or South Countryside discovery. All the young delegates joined the same program, which was visit to shipbuilding facility. To my surprise, I met my MMU President there, Prof. Ghauth. Then I remember MMU got an award in closing dinner tonight, Prof Ghauth came all the way from Malaysia to receive this award.
The journey to the shipbuilding facility took about 2 hours. Most of the distance was up and down on a mountain, that’s where we could see the pretty scenic view of countryside. Seen from a distance, the Tsuneishi shipyard is an impressive sight. Even more impressive is that the shipyard – a joint venture between Tsuneishi of Japan and Aboitiz of Cebu — is located in Balamban, Cebu, a tiny coastal agricultural town on the western undeveloped side of the island. The yard is actually an assembly line of ships, capable of building 14 Handymax vessels a year. Each vessel is almost 200 meters long and 32 meters wide and weighs 56,000 tons without its cargo – larger than a modern aircraft carrier. We were brought to every stage of the shipbuilding process and there was one engineer explained to us in details what was going on there.
Group Photo in the Shipyard

Posing in front of big ship
Time really flew. After the closing dinner tonight, that was the officially end for this conference. Most of the young delegates dressed their national costume to this culture dinner, it reflected the diverse culture we had in ASEAN region. Most importantly was that MMU received the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement award at this dinner, when the moment Prof Ghauth received the award on the stage and the achievement of MMU was announced to all the delegates, I was so proud being a MMU student. The final agenda of the dinner was every country needed to do a country performance. It was great to watch all the ten countries cultural performance in one avenue and Malaysia delegation sang “Malaysia Truly Asia” song to commemorate the 50th anniversary of independence. After all, some of the delegates were bidding farewell to us they might not be with us from tomorrow onwards.

Fashion Show featuring different cultural attire

very precious photo with Prof. Ghauth and Prof. Chuah, where two of them have retired from MMU...miss them much....

Could you see who is singing on the stage? haha...it's me

It's the end...hope our friendship will last forever