Have been down and bad mood for many days, so just let myself escape from this sad place and run away to Cherating ^_^ Maybe God also wanted to play with me, my friend's car broke down on the way to Cherating....so we went to Temerloh to repair his car...

Just change the faulty cooling coil already cost RM230, so imagine need to change the whole compressor will cost you how much... After nearly 2 hours repair, we continued straight out journey to Cherating...

First view from my Apartment - feel worth after traveling 4 hours to reach here

BBQ at night
Oh ya...Forgot to mention that this BBQ was at the poolside and luckily I declared I had camera and handphone with me, if not,I will be similar like this....

Being thrown into the water....haha
After BBQ, the activities were not very special...just gambled a few rounds(AGAIN although CNY has finished) and went out to beach...

Suddenly saw this small motorcycle and my childhood memory floated in my mind, so Yoke Mei and I ride on it....(Don't know why got a person behind us...haiya, spoiled the dramatic feeling already...)

With Chee Hong (MMU graduate senior)
Needless to say, after that we just chit-chat, drank beers and fell asleep.

Cherating is a fishing village, that's why you can see so many fishing boats here...

Of course, this is my favorite pose every time I visit beach...haha
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